Clonfert Diocese’s
Children’s Art Competition 2023
Kindly sponsored by Ballinasloe Credit Union, Garbally View Nursing Home, Gullane’s Hotel, Hubert Dolan Electrical, Salmon’s Department Store, Ballinasloe, and St. Grellan’s (Ballinasloe & District) Council of the Knights of St. Columbanus

Competition Results 2023
Category A – 5th & 6th Class children
1st Name: Katie Cooney-Hyland
School: Newtown NS
Parish: Ballinasloe-Creagh
2nd Name: Angelica Feeney
School: Ballymacward NS
Parish: Ballymacward-Gurteen
3rd Name: Hannah Boyle
School: Newtown NS
Parish: Ballinasloe-Creagh
Category B – 5th & 6th Class children
1st Name: Rachel Blackweir
School: Castlesampson NS
Parish: Taughmaconnell
2nd Name: Sean Blackweir
School: Castlesampson NS
Parish: Taughmaconnell
Highly Commended (5th & 6th Class)
Ballymacward NS, Ballymacward-Gurteen parish
Ella Kelly, Catherine Irwin & Jemma Kenney
Castlesampson NS, Taughmaconnell parish
Amy Cunningham, Ava Cleary & Michael Haverty
Creagh NS, Ballinasloe-Creagh parish
Isabel V & Seren George
Newtown NS, Ballinasloe-Creagh parish
Anna Davis & I.J. Stehel
Scoil an Chroi Naofa, Ballinasloe-Creagh parish
Christian Polak , Maria Eduarda Rodrigues, Maja & Tiernan Fallon
St. Feichin’s NS, Abbey-Duniry parish
Grace Killeen & Lauren Kiely
St. Patrick’s NS, Fohenagh-Killure parish
Amber Dooley & Lily Noone
St. Patrick’s NS, Kiltormer-Lawrencetown parish
Anthony Mannion & Lilian Ojinnaka
Category C – 3rd and 4th Class children
1st Name: Declan Gately
School: Lawrencetown NS
Parish: Lawrencetown-Kiltormer
2nd Name: Eva Quinn
School: St. Patrick’s NS
Parish: Kiltormer-Lawrencetown
3rd Name: Abigail Prince
School: Creagh NS
Parish: Ballinasloe-Creagh
Category D – 3rd & 4th Class children
1st Name: Rose Craughwell
School: St. Feichin’s NS
Parish: Abbey-Duniry
2nd Name: Brooke Bradley
School: Scoil an Chroi Naofa
Parish: Ballinasloe-Creagh
Highly Commended (3rd & 4th Class)
Ballymacward NS, Ballymacward-Gurteen parish
Ciara Quinn, Claire Hillary, Hannah Mitchell & Katie O’Dea
Castlesampson NS, Taughmaconnell parish
Aisling Cleary
Creagh NS, Ballinasloe-Creagh parish
Aoibhinn Nevin, Emma Connolly & Parthenia David
Cameron Moclair, Finn Cormican, Meabh Duffy & Nevin Smijo
St. Feichin’s NS, Abbey-Duniry parish
Adam Archbold Abberton & Evan Kelly
St. Patrick’s NS, Fohenagh-Killure parish
Mark Gerrard, Mark Lohan & Nathan Kelly
St. Patrick’s NS, Kiltormer-Lawrencetown parish
Abbie Guinan, Manus Finnerty & Mia Ryan
Prize-giving Ceremony
The Prize-giving ceremony took place in Gullane’s Hotel, Ballinasloe, on Friday 16th June 8 – 8.45 pm and was integrated into a social gathering that also celebrated children from around the Clonfert diocese becoming Young Pioneers.
All children who were highly commended were awarded a certificate.
All children awarded a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize also received an Art Hamper voucher and a bible for their school / class room.
Expression of Appreciation
Our thanks to all principals, teachers, SNAs, school secretaries, other school personnel, school chaplains, parents and guardians who encouraged participation. In excess of three hundred and fifty entries were received.
Our thanks to this year’s sponsors: Ballinasloe Credit Union, Dolan’s Electrical, Ballinasloe, Garbally View Nursing Home, Ballinasloe, Gullane’s Hotel, Ballinasloe, St. Grellan’s Council (Ballinasloe & District Council) of The Knights of St. Columbanus, and Dermot Salmon, Salmon’s Dept. Store, Ballinasloe.
Our thanks too to St. Grellan’s (Ballinasloe & District) Council of The Knights of St. Columbanus for administering the competition for the Clonfert diocese.
Posted: 18th June 2023
Competition Details
(posted 25th April 2023)
This competition is open to all children (3rd to 6th Class) attending a primary school in the Clonfert Diocese and in the parish of Moore-Clonfad (Tuam Diocese), and to all children of similar age (8 to 13 years) who are being home-schooled and residing in a parish of the Clonfert diocese.
The competition is divided into four categories:
* Category A – Children in 5th or 6th Class
* Category B – Children in 5th or 6th Class with Additional Educational Needs
* Category C – Children in 3rd or 4th Class
* Category D – Children in 3rd or 4th Class with Additional Educational Needs
Choice of Subjects
Categories A & B
- Mary of Magdala meets Jesus (John 20:11-17)
- The Holy Spirit comes to the disciples (Acts 2:1-4)
- My favourite saint from the bible (Old Testament characters can be included).
- Jesus calms the storm (Mark 5:35-39)
Categories C & D
- Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 2:39-45)
- A scene from my favourite bible story
- Zacchaeus meets Jesus (Luke 19:1-10)
- Jesus ascends into heaven (Luke 24:50-53)
A prize-winning certificate will be awarded to the child who presents the best entry from each school.
A prize-winning certificate will also be awarded to the child who presents the best entry from among the children who are being home-schooled.
First Prize (all four categories)
A Winner’s Certificate and an Art Hamper Voucher (which can be used to purchase paints, colouring markers, stetch pad, pens, pencils etc.) to the value of €50.00.
Second Prize (all four categories)
A Runners-up Certificate and an Art Hamper Voucher (which can be used to purchase paints, colouring markers, stetch pad, pens, pencils etc.) to the value of €35.00.
Third Prize (all four categories)
A Runners-up Certificate and an Art Hamper Voucher (which can be used to purchase paints, colouring markers, stetch pad, pens, pencils etc.) to the value of €25.00.
School Prizes
First, Second and Third Prize Winners in each category will also win a copy of The Catholic Children’s Bible (St. Mary’s Press edition) for their classroom.
Closing Date for Entries
Friday 26th May 2023.
Prize-giving Ceremony
Friday 16th June 2023
8 – 9 pm, Gullane’s Hotel, Ballinasloe.
The prize-giving ceremony is being integrated into a Social Gathering that will follow a special Mass at 7 pm in St. Michael’s Church, Ballinasloe. For more details visit .
Entry Form (click the icon to access)
Terms and Conditions
1. The closing date for entries is Friday 26th May 2023. Entries received after this date will not be submitted to the judges.
2. The judges are seeking the child’s interpretation, mindful of the person of and mission of Jesus.
3. This competition is reserved to children living in or attending a school in the Clonfert diocese or the parish of Moore-Clonfad (Tuam diocese).
4. Children of all Christian denominations, other world faiths and of families who do not hold a religious world view are welcome to enter.
5. Child’s name, class and school must be clearly printed on the entry form provided (see above) and the entry form must be stapled to the back of the art work. Art work with incomplete entry forms will not be considered.
6. All entries must be submitted on either an A3 or A4 page (420 x 297mm). Portrait or landscape is acceptable.
7. All art work must be certified by a teacher/SNA/facilitator or parent/guardian as being the unaided and original work of the entrant.
8. The art work can be painted or drawn, in pencil, charcoal, pen, ink, felt-tip marker, crayon, pastel, water colour, gouache, acrylics, oils, poster colour or collage. Prints done from a lino block, wood block or any other method will also be accepted. No computer aided design (CAD) may be entered.
9. It should be noted that once artwork is submitted it becomes the property of the Clonfert Diocese. The art may be presented in various formats by the diocese and competition sponsors and will not be returned to children, families or schools, except at its sole discretion.
10. Word bubbles may be used and favourite saints (Categories A & B, No. 3) and favourite bible scenes (Categories C & D, No. 2) should be named.
11. All entries are accepted as original works. The competition organisers or sponsors are not responsible for any breach of copyright.
12. Each child may only submit one entry.
13. Please hand deliver (normal business hours) or post entries to one of the following:
Clonfert Children’s Art Competition,
c/o The Presbytery,
Dunlo St.,
Co. Galway.
H53 VX78
Clonfert Children’s Art Competition,
c/o Loughrea Parish Office,
The Presbytery,
St. Brendan’s Cathedral,
Loughrea , Co. Galway.
H62 EH63.
This office is open Monday to Friday 9.30 to 5.30 pm.
Clonfert Children’s Art Competition
Portumna Parish Office,
c/o The Parochial House,
Dunkellin Terrace,
Portumna, Co. Galway.
H53 F584.
Entries from each school must be placed in separate envelopes, i.e. according to category .
14. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
15. A Prize-giving ceremony will take place during a Social Gathering in Gullane’s Hotel, Ballinasloe, on the evening of Friday 16th June 2023. Prize-winners will be notified through their schools / parents (home-schoolers).
PowerPoint Presentation
Click below to access a short PowerPoint presentation to assist teachers and parents introduce this competition to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class pupils.
Further Enquiries
Please contact John Weldon, Clonfert Diocese’s Children’s Art Competition Liaison Person @ 087 9068032 /
Category A
1st: Isobel Dermody, Cooloo NS, Moylough.
2nd: Kate O’Sullivan, Killimor NS, Killimor.
3rd: Conor O’Cleirigh, Scoil Ui Cheithearnaigh, Ballinasloe.

Category B
Joint 1st: Patrick Stokes & Brian Óg McGarvey, Tisrara NS, Ballyforan-Dysart-Tisrara.
Congratulations to the winners, their teachers, school communities, parents and families. Condolences to all who experienced disappointment on not winning on this occasion.
2020 Winners

First Prize:
Mia Kelly,
Ballyforan NS,
Ballyforan-Dysart-Tisrara parish
Second Prize:
Carly Higgins,
Killasolan NS,
Ahascragh-Caltra parish.
Third Prize:
Laoise Fines,
Ballyforan NS,
Ballyforan-Dysart-Tisrara parish.
Fourth Prize:
Alison Lawlor,
Killasolan NS,
Ahascragh-Caltra parish
Launch Photo 2020

Updated: 25th April 2023