Ballinasloe & District Youth Club

8.00- 9.30 pm
Friday 21st June 2024

Clonfert Family Centre,

Enquiries: Justin @ 087 6171526

Regular Meeting Activities

Welcome newcomers
Scripture Reflection & prayer time
Workshop with guest / educational activity / Planning of event, e.g. summer outing
Game Time (most of the meeting)

5th & 19th January
2nd, 16th & 29th* February
1st, 15th*, 21st* & 29th March
6th*, 12th & 26th* April
10th & 24th May
7th*, 21st June
5th July (Awards Night)*

Presentation on PTAA and Quiz Night with Niall Duddy

PTAA Youth Quiz Night (Schools & Youth /GAA clubs)
Emerald Ballroom, Ballinasloe.
For more details visit:

Basic First Aid Workshop with Damien Farrell, Irish Red Cross.

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We were delighted to welcome six new Young Pioneers to our Association and to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Mr Sean Kelly (Clontuskert) and Diamond Jubilees of Mr Francis Donohoe (Abbey-Duniry) and Mr Sean Tully (Ballinasloe-Creagh). We were also delighted to have as our special guest, Ms Francis Egan, International President of the PTAA, and express our thanks to Frs John Garvey PP (presider) and Fr John Naughten (homilist) for leading us in prayer.


We are most grateful to Damien Farrell, Irish Red Cross, for providing a wonderful Basic First Aid course to Youth Club members.

We had a wonderful retreat day in Donamon Castle, Donamon, Co. Roscommon. Our thanks to Sr Kathryn Press ASCJ, Bishop Kevin Doran (Elphin Diocese) and Fr. George Agger SVD and confreres, Divine Word Missionary Community, Donamon Castle, for giving of their time and expertise.
This was a very new experience for many of us … our first experience of a retreat day. We enjoyed Sr. Kathryn’s games, scavenger hunt, inputs and discussion questions. The retreat offered us lovely opportunities to speak to God and to listen to God and also to grow in friendship with one another.
We also enjoyed sharing our lunch and break times and celebrating Mass with Bishop Kevin and Fr. George.
Here are some pictures from our time together.

After a break of many years the PTAA Clonfert Diocesan Council hosted diocesan-wide quiz competitions that were open to all Primary Schools, Youth and Sporting Clubs, including Pioneers, GAA, Camogie and Foroige in The Emerald Ballroom, Ballinasloe, on Thursday 21st March. Our club was delighted to take part and enjoyed participating with teams representing schools and other clubs from around the diocese.

Diocesan Schools’ Competition
First – Scoil Uí Cheithearnaigh, Bháel Átha Na Slua Foireann 1
Second – St. Kerrill’s NS, Gurteen
Third – Creagh NS, Ballinasloe Team 1
Fourth – Newtown NS, Ballinasloe

Ballinasloe Faith Area Competition
First – Creagh NS, Ballinasloe Team 2
Second – Scoil Uí Cheithearnaigh, Bháel Átha Na Slua Foireann 2
Third- First – St Catherine’s NS Aughrim

Clubs’ Competition
First – Ballinasloe & District Pioneer Club Team 1
Second – Padraig Pearses GAA Club, Woodmount, Ballinasloe
Third – Ballinasloe & District Pioneer Club Team 2

Fr John Naughton Clonfert Diocese’s PTAA Spiritual Director, Fr. John Garvey PP, Ballinasloe-Creagh parish, Niall Duddy, PTAA Clonfert Diocesan Council and Josephine Carroll (new PTAA Adult member) pictured with new and existing members of Ballinasloe & District PTAA Youth Club after the Association’s Clonfert Christmas Mass and Social Get Together in The Emerald Ballroom, Ballinasloe, on Friday 15th December 2023

October 2023 Outing

On Saturday 21st October we went to Galway to see the play ‘The Boy who lived with Dogs in the Blackbox Theatre, visited Galway Cathedral and dropped into the Galway Arts Centre to see an exhibition called ‘I see you like this.’ We are delighted to share the following photos from our outing.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to our day, especially the volunteers and artists of the Babaro Arts Festival.

Frequency of Meetings / Other Activities

Our club normally meets every second Friday evening, usally 8 – 9.15 pm, with extended break at Christmas and during July and August.

there are also occasions when we undertake special workshops etc. and the timing of these are determined by the availability of the person who is helping us.

Young Pioneer Daily Prayer & Pledge

Lord, for your sake,
for the  recovery of problem drinkers
and victims of substance abuse,
to make amends to your Sacred Heart
for the intemperance in all our lives,
I promise not to take alcoholic drink
until I am at least 18 and
to keep off drugs for life.   Amen.

Club Membership

Reserved to Young Pioneers between the ages of eleven and fifteen years who reside in the Clonfert Diocese and / or Greater Ballinasloe area (30 kilometre radius).

The club can facilitate sixteen members. Currently (6th January 2024) there are ten.

Young Pioneers are welcome on a come-and-see basis. Parents /guardians must have a brief in-person meeting / telephone conversation with a Club Leader / Member of Supervision Team and complete a temporary membership form in advance of their child participating in any activity/ meeting. Please contact Justin if no Team member is known to you.

Adult Leaders

Activities & Membership Co-ordinator
Justin Harkin
087 6171526

Safeguarding Officer
Sean Kelly
086 1647970

Important Documents

The following documents are available via email or WhatsApp in Word and PDF format. They can also be acquired before or after any club meeting.

  • Application Form
  • Club Members’ Code of Behaviour
  • Adult Leaders’ and Supervisors’ Code of Behaviour
  • Safeguarding Statement

Young Pioneer Registration

Young Pioneers between the ages of ten and seventeen years who are living in a parish of the Clonfert diocese who are not already registered with the PTAA, subject to the consent of a parent / guardian, are welcome to register.

Registration allows for participation in Pioneer competitions and special events and inclusion in a texting service that shares details of such activities.

Completed forms should be forwarded to:

PTAA Clonfert Diocesan Council
c/o Justin Harkin
Clonfert Family Centre
H53 NX59
087 6171526


The PTAA Clonfert Diocesan Council seek to support and are charged with the oversight of the Ballinasloe & District PTAA Youth Club and of other Young Pioneer Activities on behalf of the PTAA.

The current members of the Council are Sean Kelly (Clontuskert),  Niall Duddy (Killimordaly-Clooncagh), Ann Gately (Laurencetown-Kiltormer), Francis Donohue (Duniry-Abbey) and Fr. John Naughton  (Portumna).

Other Enquiries

Please contact Justin Harkin on 087 6171526 /

Photo Gallery

Fr. Robert McCabe, PTAA Central Spiritual Director (left), Bishop Michael Duignan (Clonfert & Galway dioceses) and Mr. Francis Donohue (Abbey-Duniry & PTAA Clonfert Diocesan Council ) pictured with members of Ballinasloe Pioneer Centre during a social gathering in Gullane’s Hotel, Ballinasloe, to formally welcome the forty-two young people of parishes of the Clonfert diocese who enrolled in the Pioneer Assocation during a special Mass in St. Michael’s Church, Ballinasloe, on 16th June (Feast of the Sacred Heart) 2023. Adults seated (left to right): Ms Sheila Walsh (Ballinasloe PTAA Secretary), Justin Harkin (Youth Co-ordinator), Ms Agnes Duignan (Ballinasloe PTAA Chairperson), Ms Ann Downey and Elizabeth Campbell (Ballinasloe Centre members).

Expression of thanks

Our thanks to St. Grellan’s (Ballinasloe & District) Council of The Knights of St. Columbanus for a financial contribution towards the establishment of our club and to Ballinasloe-Creagh parish and the Clonfert diocese for access to parish and diocesan facilities at less than commercial rates.

Updated: 28/4/2024