Over six Sunday evenings (7.45 – 9.15 pm), beginning Sunday 23rd April, a group of adults will undertake a shared exploration of the above topic, drawing on sacred scripture, their own life-experience and the following recently published book (Veritas publications) by Glenstal Benedictine Monk, Fr. Columba McCann OSB:

We look forward to welcoming all who would like to join us on ‘a come-and-see basis’, and to welcoming on an ongoing basis all who enjoy the initial sessions.
Clonfert Family Centre
Co. Galway
H53 NX59
Initiative Objectives
- To explore, through conversation, reading and short periods of prayer, our ‘Easter’ identity and how we possess it,
- To unpack key teachings of Blessed Columba Marmion, i.e. as they reveal God’s outreach to us in and through Christ
- To stimulate learning and faith-enquiry in a gentle, light-hearted and non-threatening way
- To grow in friendship through our time together.
What can you expect?
Our initiative comprises six sessions, each one-and-a-half hours in length.
Session 1 – Introduction
- Tea / coffee (from 7.30 pm)
Committed participants welcome newcomers - Facilitator will introduce:
- this initiative
- Blessed Columba Marmion
- Fr. Columba McCann OSB
- Distribution of reading materials
Each participant will be presented with a copy of Fr. Columba’s book (to keep), a Christian Community Bible (Catholic Pastoral Study Edition) (on loan) and a short booklet containing discussion questions etc. that will be used to support the sessions - Scripture exploration exercise
- Shared reading of opening chapter of Becoming Human, Becoming Divine
- Short period of scripture-based prayer
- Concluding exercise
Session 2 – 6 inclusive
- Word of welcome
- Everyone given an opportunity to share thoughts etc. arising from personal reflections since previous session.
- Scripture exploration exercise
- Shared reading of discussion chapter of Becoming Human, Becoming Divine and related discussion
- Short period of reflective scripture-based prayer
- Concluding exercise
A donation of €20 to €25.00 would be appreciated from those who can afford to contribute. This will assist the organisers meet related costs, including contribution toward room hire, light, heat, hospitality and reading material
Facilitators very kindly give their time free-of-charge.
Commitment (participants)
In addition to attending sessions participants will be encouraged to give one hour between sessions to reading and related reflection. This will greatly enrich discussion during sessions.
Reservation of Places
To be assured of a place please communicate your interest to Justin Harkin @ 087 6171526 / admin@creideamh.ie .
Expression of Gratitude
Our thanks to Fr. Columba McCann OSB for his willingness to allow us use his book in this way and for recommending the scripture passages with which we will engage.
Further Enquiries
Please ring, text or email Justin on 087 6171526 / admin@creideamh.ie