This website is sponsored and maintained by St. Grellan’s (Ballinasloe & District) Council of the Order of the Knights of St. Columbanus.
Materials for inclusion should be submitted via email to Justin Harkin @ well in advance of events etc. taking place. If you are nervous about submitting Justin can provide a template page to assist you.
Please note that all submissions should meet the criteria underpinning the rationale of this website, i.e. encouraging of adult faith development in a spirit of friendship and pertaining to courses, events etc. that are educational (in terms of Catholic teaching, practices and perspectives), social, prayerful and open to all people of goodwill in the greater Ballinasloe area.

St. Grellan’s Council

The Ballinasloe & District Council of The Order of the Knights of St. Columbanus was founded on 12th July 1932. There were fourteen original members.
On 28th February 1949 the Council was reconstituted as St. Grellan’s Council, adopting St. Grellan as patron saint.
Knights of St. Columbanus are members of an order of Catholic laymen dedicated to the service of Christ in daily life, in the workplace, the marketplace, in rural, urban, city and provincial areas.
We welcome into our ranks Catholic men, in full communion with the Church, who wish to bring to the service of Christ their talents and skills towards the promotion of Christian values and principles in community and society, for the greater honour and glory of God the Father.
St. Grellan’s Council, like the Order as a whole, has four main objectives:
- to promote by personal and group action the extension of a practical Christianity in all phases of life.
- to maintain a fraternal society of Catholic Lay leadership.
- to honour the Faith.
- to prepare its members for the Apostolate.
Like other Catholics, we are primarily concerned with our own on-going spiritual formation and salvation and strive to express this in the first instance in our families.
We are also mindful that a Christian Social Order in a changing world is not and cannot be static, but must be a dynamic balance of forces requiring constant evaluation corrections and adjustment. This is reflected during discussions at our monthly meetings and in our appraoch to projects.
Our aim is to maintain a Christian outlook, thought and action, guided by two principles of action: the law of charity and the law of Justice.
Our council meetings normally take place on the evening of the second Thursday of the month.
If you are committed to the Catholic Faith and would like to join us on ‘a come and see’ basis please contact any of the following members:
Michéal Cregg 086 2618152
John Coughlan 086 8600987
Sean Kelly 086 1647970
Justin Harkin 087 6171526