“The more we honour the Blessed Virgin, the more we honour Jesus Christ, because we honour Mary only that we may the more perfectly honour Jesus, since we go to her only as the way by which we are to find the end we are seeking, which is Jesus.”
-St. Louis Marie de Montfort.
CURRENT SITUATION (22nd October 2022)
A group of sixteen adults embarked on this study in September and have met on three occasions. Two adults have decided not to continue, creating places for two more. Support will be provided to those who wish to try this rather unique group experience, including support with covering the sections already explored by the group.
To follow-up please contact Miriam or Justin at admin@creideamh.ie / 087 6171526.
Study Group Invitation
Although written in 1716 St. Louis Marie de Montfort’s book True Devotion to Mary is still considered one of the greatest ever written on the Blessed Virgin Mary and a masterpiece of Marian theology and spirituality. Highly recommended by no less than eight popes and countless saints, including Mother Teresa of Calcutta, St. Maxmilian Kolbe and St. Pope John Paul II, it offers the enquiring and discerning reader much to ponder, pray about and discuss.
Last year at the request of some CREIDEAMH Network members we queried if members and others known to members might undertake a shared exploration. This led to a group of fourteen adults from parishes of the Clonfert, Elphin and Tuam dioceses forming a reflective study group to undertake a shared enquiry. Between September 2021 and April 2022 they met fortnightly on Wednesday evenings (taking extended breaks at Christmas and Easter) in the Clonfert Family Centre, Ballinasloe, from 8 pm to 9.30pm.

Prior to each session all committed to reading a pre-selected section of the book and to engaging with a handout that incorporated some questions to support discussion during group meetings. The handouts drew on the work of an American Catechist, Anne Collins, and an eminent retired Catholic theologian, Rev. Prof. Basil Cole OP who taught in The Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome and The Dominican House of Studies, Washington DC. Both Anne and Fr. Basil have much experience in supporting adult groups explore the writings of St. Louis Marie de Montfort.
The group was also supported by Fr. Michael Kennedy, a priest of the Cashel and Emly diocese with a long association with St. Louis Marie de Montfort’s spirituality. The group’s time together also culminated with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist in honour of Our Lady on 31st May 2022.
Looking ahead
The whole experience has been so positive that participants are keen that interested others be facilitated with a similar experience.
Consequently arrangements are being put in place to facilitate reflective study groups in Roscommon and Ballinasloe during the 2022/2023 school year.
Those interested in participating are encouraged to register their interest with Justin Harkin (overseer) by contacting Justin on 087 6171526 / justin@elphindiocese .
Proposed Dates (all Wednesdays) for Study Group Meetings
Sept. 21st
Oct. 5th
Oct. 19th
Nov. 2nd
Nov. 16th
Nov. 30th
Dec. 14th
Jan. 4th
Jan. 18th
Feb. 1st
Feb. 15th
March 1st
March 15th
March 29th
April 26th
May 10th
Proposed Venue and Time
Above Wednesdays, 8 – 9.30 pm in The Clonfert Family Centre, Brackernagh, Ballinasloe. H 53 NX59.
Miriam McCarthy & Justin Harkin.
Spiritual Director
Very Rev. Eamonn O’Connor PP, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon.
Information Meetings For Interested Adults
Via Zoom
Wednesday 7th September, 7 – 7.30 pm
Please contact Justin (see contact details below) for link.
Wednesday 7th September, 8 – 8.30 pm
Clonfert Family Centre, Brackernagh, Ballinasloe.
All interested persons are welcome.
Which version of True Devotion to Mary?
A number of publishers continue to publish this spiritual classic
We encourage participants to avail of the version published by Catholic Way Publishing entitled ‘True Devotion to Mary with preparation for total consecration‘ as it uses a numbering sequence that supports group engagement.

Further Information
Please contact Justin on 087 6171526 / justin@elphindiocese.ie .
Updated: 22nd October 2022.
Thank you.