2024 winners with teacher, principal and youth club mentors, PTAA Clonfert Council representatives and representatives of St Grellan’s (Ballinasloe & District) KSC Council, who kindly support these quiz competitions.
2025 Quiz Venue, Date and Time
The Emerald Ballroom, Fairgreen, Ballinasloe. H53 KC98.
Thursday 10th April, 8 – 9.40 pm.
Catechment Area
Ballinasloe Community Faith Area of the Clonfert Diocese (Aughrim & Kilconnell, Ballinasloe-Creagh, Ballymacward & Gurteen, Clontuskert, Fohenagh & Killure, Lawrencetown & Kiltormer and Taughmaconnell), and the parishes of Ahascragh-Caltra and Moore-Clonfad.
Quiz Categories
Competition A:
Team of three or four pupils representing their primary school.
(Rounds 1 to 7, ten questions per round).
Competition B:
Team of three or four young people representing their club (any club open to young people, e.g. GAA, Pioneer, Foroige etc) aged 16 or younger on 31st December 202.
(Rounds 1 to 7, ten questions per round).
Where a school has an enrolment of more than two hundred pupils a second team can be entered.
Clubs may be represented by more than one team.
All teams must be accompanied by their adult mentor or relevant designated person.
Prizes (Both Competitions)
Competition A & B

In addition to trophies for teams that come First, Second and Third, medals will also be presented to all remaining teams.

Teams must be registered in advance, using our application form (see below).
Adult Team Mentors, please download, complete and forward by post or as a pdf attachment to:
Pioneer Clonfert Quiz Competition,
Clonfert Family Centre,
H53 NX59.
Email: pioneers@creideamh.ie
WhatsApp (as attachment): 087 6171526
Closing date for entries
Wednesday 2nd April 2025.
PTAA-Schools+Clubs Quiz Applic_2025
Prize-giving Ceremony
This will take place the same evening, immediately after the quiz.
During the quiz interval we will also have the prize-giving ceremony for our Children’s Art Competition. See www.creideamh.ie/ptaa-art for details.
Sample Quiz (to support team preparation)
Adult Mentors / Teachers and teams are likely to find the quiz that can be downloaded here helpful.
We are engaging a photographer. Only teams whose mentors have ticked the relevant box on application form will be photographed.
Helpful Tip!
Traditionally Pioneer quizzes contained a few questions about the Pioneer Association. Teams are likely to find the Fact Sheet that can be downloaded here helpful.
Further Enquiries
Please contact Niall on 087 6744886 or Justin on 087 6171526.

These quiz competitions are being organised by the PTAA Clonfert Diocesan Council with the support of Ballinasloe & District Pioneer Youth Club. See: www.creideamh.ie/pioneers for details.
Updated: March 10th 2025